Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Cheap Version of the Rain Barrel

After researching rain barrels for what seemed like years, we set out to find a reasonably priced one. The City of Chicago used to offer rain barrels for reduced rates through special events in the summer. At least they used to, or they did at one time. No longer. So, after searching the world wide web and several garden stores, we found that rain barrels are unnecessarily, ridiculously expensive. Tommy's all about the DIY, so he decided to make us our very own rain barrel for much, much less than those fancy, overpriced models.

Purchased: 1 large garbage can (lid included!), 1 sheet of window screen to use as a filter in the rain barrel (to keep out the leaves and junk), and 1 carefully selected spigot (I had to google the spelling on that one). And, I present to you, our very own DIY rain barrel!
We're saving water, one rainstorm at a time.